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Simple Tips On How To Cure Gastritis Naturally

I know that I am not really an "expert" on this type of stuff or anything like that, but I would like to share some stuff that has worked for me personally because sometimes when I am looking for stuff online I am finding tons of misinformation and just straight up ridiculous "home remedies". I am in the process of learning how to cure gastritis naturally and without all of those expensive and harmful drugs that doctors hand out like candy. So natural cures are something that I am very interested in. So here are some tips that worked well for me, I hope they are helpful to you.

1.Alkaline Diet

I already made a blog post about this but if you want to learn how to cure gastritis naturally they you need to start eating a high anti inflammatory and high alkaline diet. Lemons, Apricots, Baking Soda, Asparagus, artichokes and whatever else you can find that works personally for you. Start testing what you like to eat and see if it makes any bit of a difference. Some of that stuff is gross and I can not eat it but some of it is actually pretty good and good for you as well.

2. Exercise

Well I mean this is kind of something that everybody should already know but its pretty darn important if you ask me, you are learning how to cure gastritis naturally and what is more natural that getting exercise? Nothing I tell you, nothing is more natural than working your muscles and sweating out toxins. You need to rid your body of all the toxins which will help the healing process of your gastritis. Once you realize that exercise is just as important as anything else you will start to see some improviement.

3.Stay away from spicy foods

This one should be a no brainer but I think its something that needs to be said, you must stay away from spicy foods. As much as you probably want to eat a hot plate of spagetti with peppers all over it. I would highly recommend that you do not do that. Not only will your gastritis pain get worse but it will prolong your healing process as well. And trust me you do not wan to be like me and have to deal with this for 10 years. Learning how to cure gastritis naturally does not have to be hard unless you make it hard, so please stay away from the spicy foods!

As well as these tips be sure to drink your water and keep an open mind, there could be something that works for you that does not work for me. You will never know until you try. Those are my tips on how to cure gastritis naturally if you liked them you can always comment ont he blog post and leave some good feedback for me! I hope you all enjoyed the read!

For more information about gastritis you can visit the wikipedia page.

Here are some tips on how to naturally cure gastritis

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